
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Clod and the Pebble by William Blake (text and explanation)

  The Clod and the Pebble By William Blake   'Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a heaven in hell's despair.' So sung a little clod of clay, Trodden with the cattle's feet; But a pebble of the brook Warbled out these meters meet: 'Love seeketh only Self to please, To bind another to its delight, Joys in another's loss of ease, And builds a hell in heaven's despite.' The poem was first published in William Blake’s collection of poems “Songs of Experience” in 1794. The poem contrasts two opposing views on love, represented by a soft clod of clay and a hard pebble. The clod represents the more optimistic and perhaps a naive perspective, which views love as a kind of radical selflessness and the willingness to sacrifice. On the other hand, the pebble declares love as pure selfishness. However, the poet does not validate any of the two view points and leaves it to th

The Hobbit (Summary)

  The Hobbit Chapter wise Summary Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party Bilbo Baggins  is a peaceful and domestic hobbit who enjoys living in his cozy hole in The Hill. His life is quite wonderful by hobbits' standards, which is to say, there is no excitement and there are plenty of meals each day. Bilbo is the only son of  Belladonna Took  and the Tooks are a wealthy family but Belladonna and a few of the others had adventurous streaks and they were not nearly as respectable as the Bagginses. In this story, Bilbo is going to lose his respectability on a rather wild adventure. One of Belladonna's old friends is a wizard by the name of  Gandalf  and though he has no official business in Hobbiton (the place where Hobbits live), Gandalf makes an appearance at Bilbo's house. The two really don't get on well at the beginning, as Gandalf is a stranger and strangers are adventurous and not very respectable. When Gandalf reveals his identity, Bilbo is politer and goes as far as

The Hobbit

  The Hobbit Mcqs 1.     Who is Bilbo Baggins' mother? a.     ELROND b.     PRINCESS OF THE HOBBITS c.      BELLA DEAR d.     BELLADONNA TOOK 2.    As of Chapter Two, what are Gandalf's and Bilbo's "professions," respectively? a.     MAGICIAN, PORTER b.     THIEF, HERO c.      WIZARD, BURGLAR d.     WIZARD, THIEF 3.    Which of the following characters is not a Goblin? a.     TOM b.     WILLIAM c.      BERT d.     ALL OF THE ABOVE 4.    In Chapter Four, who locates the cave for the group's lodging? a.     FILI AND KILI b.     FILI c.      GANDALF d.     KILI 5.    Who wields the sword called "Foe-hammer?" a.     THORIN b.     GREAT GOBLIN c.      BILBO d.    GANDALF 6.    What is the name of the treasure Thorin values most? a.     ELROND b.     ARKENSTONE c.      THRAIN d.     FOE-HAMMER 7.     What is Bilbo's more adventurous side? a.     BAGGINS b.     LEFT c.      TOOK d.