Eveline By James Joyce

                                                                                            Eveline By James Joyce     James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish novelist, short story writer, and poet, widely regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Known for his innovative narrative techniques and complex use of language, Joyce’s works, such as “Dubliners,” “A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man,” “Ulysses,” and “Finnegans Wake,” revolutionized modernist literature. His writing often explores themes of identity, consciousness, and the struggles of ordinary life in early 20th-century Dublin. Joyce’s work has had a profound impact on both literary theory and the development of the modern novel. “Eveline” is a part of his collection “Dubliners” (1914). The story centers around a young woman named Eveline who is torn between her sense of duty to her family in Dublin and her desire for a new life with her lover, Frank, in Argentina. As she contemplates leavi

The Way it Was and Is by Bill Cosby

The Way It Was and Is MCQs

1. I wanted to get out of the house without having my father to use his _________ to damage my brain.
(a) radio (b) music (c) Philco (d) songs
2. My mission was to ___________ past that living room before he caught me.
(a) sneak (b) go (c) reach (d) move
3. For a while, I considered putting a ________ against my window.
(a) bar (b) curtain (c) ladder (d) wall
4. The greatest _________ of top volume was that I couldn’t hear the grownups.
(a) setback (b) advantage (c) disadvantage (d) benefit
5. Duke Ellington, Count Basle and Jimmie Lunceford was favourite musicians of ___________.
(a) Cosby (b) Cosby’s father (c) Cosby’s daughter (d) None of these
6. I couldn’t ___________ a music appreciation lesson on my father’s old timey music.
(a) afford (b) bear (c) accept (d) stand
7. What is the full name of Bill Cosby. _____________________________________
8. I couldn’t hear him, but I didn’t have to, for he was ____________ an ancient message.
(a) conveying (b) sending (c) forwarding (d) transferring
9. Music has changed so ___________ since the days when I first heard the wonders of John Coltrane and Bud Powell.
(a) drastically (b) radically (c) completely (d) entirely
10. Armageddon is the name of _______________.
(a) judgement day (b) a city (c) a song (d) a music group
11. This teenager will merely see the ___________ and will probably think that they are a part of a publicity campaign.
(a) explosions (b) posters (c) advertisements (d) commercials
12. No matter how he talks, a father cannot sound __________ to his children.
(a) trendy (b) hip (c) hipper (d) stylish
13. He can give high fives until his palms ________.
(a) ache (b) pain (c) break (d) bleed
14. A father will still be a man who lost all his hipness at the age of ____________.
(a) 23 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 22
15. The volume of that noise is my own __________.
(a) choice (b) mistake (c) error (d) fault
16. No one made me buy that ______ stereo system for my decibel-hungry darling.
(a) loud (b) noisy (c) complex (d) composite
17. I even failed to notice the ______ in my daughter’s eyes.
(a) gleam (b) beam (c) shine (d) tears of happiness
18. I had been busy falling into the great American ______.
(a) dream (b) snare (c) trap (d) catch
19. I must confess, however, that all this permissiveness was not entirely_________.
(a) selfless (b) altruistic (c) unselfish (d) without personal gain
20. Surrealistic means ___________.
(a) inappropriate (b) appropriate (c) suitable (d) right
21. Pride and Prejudice is the name of a __________.
(a) Instruction book (b) novel (c) drama (d) poem
22. She put on a record that sounded like a train __________.
(a) Whistle (b) blowing (c) derailment (d) engine
23. I wanted to _________ to her generation, to understand that there might be more to music.
(a) help out (b) extend out (c) stretch out (d) reach out
24. I believed I heard one of them say that I was the _________ father since Abraham.
(a) greatest (b) sweetest (c) hardest (d) toughest
25. Moments later, things began to move that ordinarily had no ___________.
(a) movement (b) legs (c) motion (d) locomotion
26. While the glasses, plates and utensils danced, my wife listened ______to a deep rhythmic thumping.
(a) intently (b) closely (c) carefully (d) cautiously
27. Permissiveness means __________.
(a) cruelty (b) unkindness (c) leniency (d) mercy
28. You can see that I married above my ________.
(a) status (b) intelligence (c) intelligence quotient (d) level


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