The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov (Study question and Answers)

  The Fun They Had By Isaac Asimov   Q: How old are Margie and Tommy?   Margie was eleven years old and Tommy was thirteen years old.   Q: What did Margie write in her diary?   Margie wrote in her diary, “Today Tommy found a real book!”   Q: Had Margie ever seen a book before?   No, Margie had never seen a real book before Tommy found one.   Q: What things about the book did she find strange?   Margie found it strange that the words on the pages of the book stood still instead of moving the way they did on a screen. She was also puzzled by the idea that after reading, the book remained the same and could not be changed like the screen of their tele-books.   Q: What do you think a tele-book is?   A telebook is likely a digital book that can be read on a screen, similar to an e-book. The words can be changed and updated, unlike a printed book.   Q: Where was Margie’s school? Did she have any classmates?   Margie’s school was in her own ho

The Piece of String by Guy De Moupassant (Study Question)


The Piece of String

By Guy De Moupassant


Why did Mr. Manana accuse Mr. Hubert of picking the lost pocketbook?


Mr. Manana saw Mr. Hubert pick up something from the ground in the morning. He picked the thing up and stood there for some time. Mr. Manana did not know what it was. When he heard about the lost pocketbook, he imagined that it must have been the pocketbook that Mr. Hubert picked. Therefore, in hope of getting the reward for return of lost pocketbook, he accused Mr. Hubert of picking up the pocketbook.


What did the people think of Mr. Hubert when they heard the return of the pocketbook by some other person?


The people thought that Mr. Hubert was lying. Whatever the reasons Mr. Hubert gave, the people were not willing to believe. When they heard the return of the pocketbook by some other person, they might have thought that this person might have been sent by Mr. Hubert himself in order to clear his name. They accused Mr. Hubert of giving false excuses.  They even made fun of him and told the story of the string to one another in an amusing manner.


Why did George give the pocketbook to his employer?


Mr. George was an uneducated person. He did not know how to read. Therefore, when he found the pocketbook on the road to the village market, he gave it to his employer so that he might read the contents of the pocketbook and get information about the whereabouts of its owner.


What made Hubert shameful?


Mr. Hubert was a simple and honest country man. When he was accused of picking up the pocketbook, he tried to defend himself in a vigorous manner but the people did not believe him and said that he was making false excuses. This made Hubert shameful. It was heart-breaking for him that people were calling him a liar. He was not hurt as much by the accusation of theft than he was by being accused of lying.


Why did the people make fun of his innocence?


The people made fun of his innocence because they did not believe his story. The more he tried to convince them of his innocence, the more they suspected him. They might have thought that why would a man pick a piece of string from the ground and keep it in his pocket. He might have given the pocketbook to George to return so that his name is cleared.


Why did he keep claiming his innocence before his death?


Mr. Hubert was an honourable person. The thought of being called a thief and a liar consumed him. The only thing in his mind was to clear his name of these charges. This was the reason that he kept claiming his innocence before his death.


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