Eveline By James Joyce

                                                                                            Eveline By James Joyce     James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish novelist, short story writer, and poet, widely regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Known for his innovative narrative techniques and complex use of language, Joyce’s works, such as “Dubliners,” “A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man,” “Ulysses,” and “Finnegans Wake,” revolutionized modernist literature. His writing often explores themes of identity, consciousness, and the struggles of ordinary life in early 20th-century Dublin. Joyce’s work has had a profound impact on both literary theory and the development of the modern novel. “Eveline” is a part of his collection “Dubliners” (1914). The story centers around a young woman named Eveline who is torn between her sense of duty to her family in Dublin and her desire for a new life with her lover, Frank, in Argentina. As she contemplates leavi

Black Aeroplane by Frederick Forsyth (Study questions)


Black Aeroplane

By Frederick Forsyth


Q: “I will take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?


The risk the narrator refers to is flying through a storm despite knowing the possible dangers involved. The narrator takes this risk because he was desperate to reach his home and have breakfast with his family. He prioritizes his desire to be at home with his family over the safety concerns of flying through the storm.


Q: Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.


When the narrator decided to flew in to the storm, he was suddenly surrounded by darkness. He experienced severe turbulence and the plane started shaking. All his instruments including compass and radio stopped working which added to the chaos and disorientation. The narrator felt a mix of fear and determination as he struggled to navigate through the intense and perilous conditions of the storm.


Q: Why does the narrator say, “I landed and not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota... “?


The narrator says this because he had just gone through an incredibly harrowing and stressful experience flying through the storm. Landing safely brought immense relief, and he felt glad to leave behind the old Dakota, the aircraft that had caused him so much anxiety and danger during the flight.


What made woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?


The woman in the control centre looked at the narrator strangely because, according to the radar, there was not other plane in the sky during the time the narrator was flying through the storm. This was puzzling because the narrator mentioned being guided by another mysterious black aeroplane, which did not appear on the radar, making his story seem unbelievable or strange to her.


Q: Who do you think help the narrator to reach safely? Discuss this among yourselves and give reasons for your answer.


The mysterious black aeroplane and its pilot are implied to be almost supernatural or imaginary entities that helped the narrator. Since no such plane was detected by the control centre, it suggests that the help the narrator received might have been a hallucination, a divine intervention, or a product of his own subconscious mind in a desperate situation. This element mystery adds a supernatural or psychological twist to the story, leaving the true nature of the helper open to interpretation.




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